Best Laid Plans

My granddaughter already went back to school a couple of weeks ago and my daughter went back to college this week. I was really looking forward to getting a regular schedule and having a daily time block every afternoon to work on book stuff (writing, editing, etc.), but guess what?

The plague has finally invaded my house.

My husband is a registered nurse who has been caring for mostly unvaccinated covid patients that are in the hospital. As we all know by now, Omicron is one contagious little variant, and he tested positive for it on Tuesday morning. He mentioned having sinus congestion on Saturday and a sore throat on Sunday. Also, he said he was tired. I should have paid attention to that because this man is never tired. He is a powerhouse who, except for a couple of vacations and a couple of months, has been working 60 hours a week for the past year and a half.

The good news is that he only had a sore throat for 3 days and now just has a little congestion. Thank you, vaccines. And scientists. And science. He’s been isolating in our room (I’m sleeping on the couch) and we both wear masks if I need to go in there. We’re all vaccinated and half of us are boosted, and so far no one else has any symptoms. Fingers crossed that it stays that way.

I haven’t gotten any writing or editing done because we only have one laptop (mine) and he’s been using it to keep himself entertained. Even though he’s feeling better, he can’t go back to work until he tests negative on the 25th, or five days afterwards if he’s positive and asymptomatic. He’s annoyed that he can’t go back to work, so I decided we could make the best of it by spending time together playing FFXIV (wearing masks) in the Command Center (basement) while the girls are at school.

He did bring my laptop out before he went back to bed this afternoon, so I emailed all the Chosen book files and all the finalized files of books 1 – 3. I’ve read all my own books in the last three weeks (wow, Druid is looooonnnng) and I made notes on what to include in Chosen and corrections to make in the others. Holy shit, Warrior is a mess but Druid, while it has its flaws, is in much better shape. I was going to start charging for them again, but I think I’ll wait until they are whipped into shape, given new covers, and re-published. Hopefully, all that will be accomplished around the same time that Chosen is published.

I don’t usually work on my PC and it’s cold af in the basement – especially when it’s twenty degrees outside – but I have a comfy computer chair and a space heater. I’ve been whining to myself about how everybody always wants to use my laptop and the house is always noisy, so maybe this is a good opportunity to find out if this could be a productive workspace for me. My PC is my gaming rig, but I might as well put this big screen and those awesome Bose speakers to good use.

Tomorrow is my cleaning and home organizing day, but hopefully, I’ll have enough energy in the evening to get some real work done. I’ll keep ya posted.

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